5 Healthy Approaches For Younger Hands and Feet

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Whether it’s mid-winter or mid-summer – both seasons are very unfavorable for the skin. In these times of season, the weather fluctuates a lot, which directly affects the overall texture of your skin. Thus, it is necessary to give proper time to your hands and feet to prevent the skin from getting harmed.

So, if the skin of your hands and feet looks older and damaged, this blog is solely for you. Keep reading to know more!


Sometimes, when your skin gets dry, itchy, rough, or dead, the best approach that can help you to make your hands and feet look younger is to exfoliate it periodically. You can also consider a manicure and pedicure after a week to prevent dead skin cells, which can improve the texture of your skin.

Further, exfoliation helps to get rid of dead skin cells and improve the blood circulation in the veins to give a boost to healthy skin cells – improving overall skin texture.


To make your skin breathable, which can contribute to making your hands and feet look way younger, is to keep your body well-hydrated. As long as you stay hydrated, it keeps each cell and tissue of your skin in a healthy state. It is understood that water plays a crucial role in flourishing your overall body by flushing toxins out of your body – a great source of making your hands and feet – even overall skin look way younger and glowing. Thus, drink as much water as you can in a whole day.

Use Sunscreen

Sunscreen is really a helpful approach that can help you to keep your hands and feet younger for the longer run. It acts as a protective shield that can easily prevent your skin from getting damaged by harmful UV rays. 

Wherever you go outside, it is always your responsibility to apply sunscreen or sunblock on your skin, especially those which contain higher SPF promote the healthiness of your overall skin. It prevents sunburn, as sunburn can cause skin damage, tanning, and uneven skin tone – sounds ugly! Thus, make sure whenever you go outside, cover your skin with high-SPF sunscreen.

Have Balanced Diet

When you have a balanced diet without including any junk or toxins in it, you can promote the healthiness of your hands and feet. The more you have fresh fruits and vegetables in your routine, the less aged you will look. Further, having a balanced diet in your daily routine can help you to keep your skin in a healthy state for the long run.


The skin of your hands and feet gets brutally damaged when it has a completely dry texture. Dry and rough skin can easily be prone to skin cell damage, leading to wrinkles and other skin issues.

Thus, moisturization of the skin is necessary so that it can maintain the softness and natural glow of your hands and feet for the long run. You should keep moisturizing your skin in your daily routine.