ADA Signs – Let’s Uncover Their Note-Worthy Benefits

ADA Signs
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The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) has gone a long way in combatting such bias. Today, common and public places are obliged to have ADA signs (approximately ‘disabled person’s signs’). This factor is undoubtedly crucial not only for many people but also for the continuity of your business.

Explore more about the four significant benefits of having ADA signs in your business and get the assistance of the sign company that prepares ADA signage for you nearby.

1. Ensure that You Don’t Differentiate People with Disabilities

Signs with accessibility features allow people with disabilities to be secure and comfortable in your establishment. They therefore, help the visually or mobility impaired people to navigate around the facility independently.

Similarly, these signs protect the safety of humans, as they indicate stairs or warning signs. Besides the ADA washroom signs, other markings are indispensable for ensuring that people with disabilities can find their way around. By identifying these landmarks, your visitor experience can make a huge difference.

2. Make Spaces More Accessible for People with All Sorts of Disabilities

Sometimes, people may think that ada signs are just for people with visual problems. Correctly formulated signs help people with other disabilities like hearing, disability and cognitive disabilities to navigate through your company.

The ADA signs, among which are custom ones, can be adjusted according to the needs of all people with various disabilities and designed through different features of the design. Let’s have a look at some examples of how you can customize your ADA signs to ensure their compliance.

  • High-contrast design – It catches the eye of everyone and aids in finding accessible passages around the building.
  • Loop system symbols – These symbols remind individuals that the equipment or facilities are installed with T-systems (tele coils), such that they can be accessed by those who are hard of hearing or deaf.
  • Wheelchair-accessible ramps — these signs are installed in parking lots and near stairways to notify the people who use wheelchairs in a way that is safe and accessible to get around.

3. Show Your Customers and Guests You Appreciate Their Business

With 26% of Americans having at least one disability, the number of people you are not going to ignore is large enough. If these signs are not put up in an accessible manner, it could be that people without disabilities don’t pay attention to them. 

It may unnecessarily bring a negative impression about your brand, making the customers feel that you do not treat them the same. Your customers will feel welcomed and appreciated if you have signs that are customized according to ADA.

4. You Won’t Have a Risk of Getting Fined (or Shut Down)

If you do not install compulsory accessible signs, your business could face a substantial fine. You can also be sued or shut down if those signs are absent.ADA signs are legally needed in places that are governed, public, and also commercial. On the other hand, these regulations are applied to new buildings and those that have been renovated after 2012 as well. All you need is to install the ADA signage that people with disabilities can access more easily and appreciate.