5 Noteworthy Issues to Help Detect Leaks in a Commercial Building 

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Although water damage in buildings can generally be attributed to storms and floods, there are also certain cases where plumbing and similar minor leakages lead to substantial damage. 

Consequently, small damages can be very serious because they are not easily detected for long periods. As a result, mold and mildew may develop. 

This is especially problematic in almost all commercial buildings, which consume more on a daily basis water than residential spaces.  Be sure that there are more chances for leaks to form without the building owner noticing the problem instantly.

In this informative blog post, we are going to shed light on some of the most common issues to be on the lookout for commercial building leak detection. 

Issue #1 – Leaks in a Faucet 

Frequently, the sinks themselves – especially leaking faucets – are not repaired or replaced in commercial buildings due to the fact that they are viewed as less important than equipment. 

Often, they are caused by an old part, typically a rubber washer, that is utilized to form a seal inside the faucet. This could lead to great loss of water and amplified water bills, plus damages to faucet fixtures if not well managed.

Issue #2 – Toilet Leaks

Business building toilets become frequently used, particularly when people from all backgrounds occupy the building. This means the parts will get worn out far more frequently than you would imagine for a toilet that’s in a residential building. 

If you find that you have leakages around the toilet, the parts are comparatively easy and cheap to get. But, if you do not fix the leakages as soon as you can, you are likely to have further damage to the other toilet parts. So, it’s best to invest some money in specialized business leak sealing services without any delay. 

Issue #3 – Plumbing Leaks 

Some of the leaks are not easily identifiable, such as the plumbing leaks, because they occur in hidden areas. This can result from burst water supply pipes or decay in sewerage lines, and others accrue from pipes that burst in cold seasons. 

If you see any plaster crumbling, paint peeling, water stains, bulging walls, loose tiles, or gaps in the grout, these could all be signs of leaking pipes behind walls. You should also be on the lookout for any new and unusual smells, such as moldiness, evidence of mold, or high water bills.

Issue #4 – Roof Leaks 

Water seepage through the roof can slowly develop into a significant structural issue that threatens the structural integrity of your building. There could be instances where shingles blow off thanks to strong winds or storms, or the roof was not installed with quality shingles to begin with. 

The flashing could be damaged or improperly installed, or you might have improper sealing in roof valleys. Other common problems related to roofing are Leakage on skylights, Ice dams, and choked gutters.

Issue #5 – Basement Leaks 

In case your commercial property has a basement and there is water seepage in it. Some of the probable reasons for the same could be the poor interior quality of concrete, inadequate slope and many other problems with the foundation.