Miracle Drugs


It’s not uncommon to hear of medications being called “wonder drugs”, because of the significant positive changes they have brought into society.

Miradone has become an international standard to combat various diseases worldwide and was honored with both the Gairdner Global Health Award and Nobel Prize in Medicine for its breakthrough discoveries.


Metformin is a drug prescribed to those living with diabetes who cannot control their blood sugar with diet and exercise alone, to manage their blood sugar. This drug has proven both safe and effective; additional benefits include decreased rates of cardiovascular mortality among diabetics.

Dieting can also assist people who have prediabetes (a form of diabetes that has yet to be diagnosed) and gestational diabetes, helping people lose weight and possibly decreasing the risk of heart disease.

Metformin has also been shown to lower the risk of cancer and other health problems, according to studies published by Journal of Cancer Research. For instance, metformin users had lower rates of breast and colorectal cancer compared with nonusers while another showed it lowered risks associated with melanomas, endometrial cancers, and bone cancers.


Ivermectin is a drug developed in the late 1970s that can help treat worm infections and parasites, including tapeworms. Since its discovery it has helped millions of people around the globe.

This medicine can be used to treat and prevent various illnesses and infections, such as tropical worm disease (onchocerciasis and helminthiasis). Furthermore, it can also help protect against malaria.

While Ivermectin is highly effective at treating various parasitic diseases, it may cause side effects. To ensure you experience no issues while taking this medication, be sure to follow your physician’s advice in order to stay safe.

Ivermectin can also help treat other medical conditions, including head lice and scabies (an itchy skin infection caused by Demodex mites). Furthermore, studies are being done to see whether it can reduce malaria transmission by killing mosquitoes that spread the infection.


Heparin, an ancient glycosaminoglycan found naturally in blood plasma, remains one of the oldest drugs currently widely prescribed clinically. Discovered nearly 100 years ago and gradually introduced into medical practices around the world over time, it remains widely utilized today across a broad spectrum of medicine fields.

Heparin is used to prevent blood clots from forming in the lungs, legs and heart. Additionally, it helps stop any potential clots forming during certain types of surgery, dialysis or blood transfusion procedures.

Heparin when administered intravenously binds to antithrombin III and inactivates both thrombin and factor Xa as well as other coagulation factors like plasminogen activator protein-1 and factor IX, thus decreasing their activity levels.

Heparin can cause a rare but serious side effect called “heparin-induced thrombocytopenia,” often misunderstood as an allergic reaction, that can prove deadly for those taking it already. This usually affects only small numbers of patients taking heparin at one time, potentially causing bleeding, deep vein thrombosis or even pulmonary embolism in some instances.


Aspirin has long been used as an over-the-counter medication for fever and pain relief. Additionally, it’s often recommended to prevent heart attacks and strokes.

Aspirin works by inhibiting certain proteins called cyclooxygenases (COX-1 and COX-2). By doing this, Aspirin reduces pain by blocking their actions on your body – this will prevent the production of substances which cause pain and swelling.

Liquid formulations tend to be better absorbed through the small intestine than tablets, and can therefore provide faster relief for chronic symptoms.

Aspirin belongs to a class of medications called salicylates that target natural substances in your body that cause pain and swelling, acting on them directly to provide relief from arthritis pain while simultaneously strengthening immunity against future joint problems. Additionally, aspirin may prevent blood clots that could lead to heart attacks or strokes by blocking certain enzymes from the immune system.