Will I Be Sued If My Puppy Bites a Trespasser?


Puppies can be fabulous companions and safeguards of homes, but what would happen if they bite trespassers and other people?

Sometimes puppies can experience a complete meltdown upon spotting strange people walking around their homes. They can try their best to shoo away the intruders with their infinite barks, howls, postures, scratches, and bites when the warnings go ignored.

In the process, they can accidentally injure themselves or hurt others, which is why owners should consider being prepared with dog insurance  NZ. Dog insurance can cover a puppy for basic health benefits during accidental injuries and third-party liability in times like this, which is why puppy parents must contemplate purchasing a policy.

Meanwhile, read this article to know if one can be sued if their puppy bites a trespasser.

The answer to this question depends on your state’s rules and regulations. However, some common aspects scrutinized while suing include:

●       If the owner is at home when somebody trespasses and there is a warning sign that says a dog is guarding the house, then there is a clear indication of trouble for the trespasser.

●       Whether the puppy has displayed aggressive behaviors towards animals and humans in the past.

●       Is the particular dog breed banned in that geographical location?

●       Whether the puppy is raised as a pet or is particularly there on the premises for guard duties.

Remember these points and know that you may be held responsible for your pet’s behavior while it defends your property from prying eyes. But, there are exceptions, so seek legal help to hopefully come out clean from the issue.

Learn the laws of your local area, check on what grounds a trespasser can sue you, and be clear about what ensued on the day. Did you instruct your puppy to attack or did you alert the trespasser of the oncoming danger, or was the person asked to leave so they didn’t become a victim of your pet’s wrath?

Know what is acceptable and what is not when an intruder enters your premises. The courts and pet insurance companies will carefully assess the situation and collect all the evidence before deciding who is guilty and who has to foot the bill.

It is advisable to post “Beware of dog” signs on the perimeter of your house or “Dog on duty” so a person entering the property has a heads up and a chance to escape from the place safely. You will most likely be sued if your puppy displays dangerous behaviors or acts aggressively towards other people.

It is advisable to keep your aggressive pooch on a leash or have it muzzled up to ensure the visitors’ safety and unwanted troubles. This way, your puppy can bark in your yard or garden and not harm delivery persons who might enter your property.

In certain circumstances, you will be liable for injuries inflicted upon the trespasser by your pup, so consider being prepared with dog insurance in NZ ahead of time. Dog insurance covers a furry pet’s medical care during distressing health situations and medical emergencies and any third-party liability arising from your puppy’s pesky biting behavior (as long as they don’t have a history of aggression).
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